Troop 48 Update - 6/22/18

Posted on Wed, Jun 27, 2018:

We wish safe travels to our Philmont group leaving tomorrow!


Barbecue Fundraiser – July 4th – Orders due by next Tuesday, June 26

Attached is an order form for our Troop’s July 4th BBQ fundraiser. Please sell as much as possible, and please complete a separate order form for each order. The orders are due by next Tuesday June 26 to Mr. Richard Ralph, so please turn in orders as soon as possible. You can email orders to Mr. Ralph, his email address is on the order form. No Scout Bucks are awarded for this fundraiser, but it is an important one that helps fund our campouts, Summer Adventure, Skymont summer camp and camping equipment.


Water Ski Clinic – July 21

The Collierville Ski Club has a lake in Collierville and they are interested in putting on another half-day clinic for our Scouts on Saturday, July 21.  The Scouts and adults who are interested need to have passed the swim check as a BSA Swimmer and the parents will have to sign a USA Skiing Liability waiver.  We will also need an ASM or Troop Committee member present for the day and one other adult for two-deep leadership. Please email or text Eric Hube by July 11 at or 901 438 8620 if interested in attending. The cost is not final yet, but the estimated cost is $20 and will be payable on arrival at the lake. Need-based scholarships are also available.


Summer Break for Troop Meetings

There are no Troop meetings on June 26 and July 3. Weekly Troop meetings will resume on July 10th. We will have the BBQ fundraiser on July 3rd evening and July 4th morning, and Mr. Ralph will be sending out an email with more details on that. It’s a good idea to take advantage of some of this extra time to work on advancement requirements!


Also, the Troop will wear Class B activity uniforms for the summer at Troop meetings until Labor Day (Troop t-shirt instead of Uniform shirt, no neckerchief, but still have BSA socks, belt, shorts/pants and cap). Class A field uniforms are required when traveling on all trips, even in the summer.


God and Country Program

Attached is a flyer with the dates for the God and Country program that will begin on July 29 at Faith Presbyterian Church. Please review the dates and consider enrolling in this program that is an important part of Scouting. If you have any questions, please contact John Campbell.


Upcoming Events                                                              

June 23-July 2 – Philmont Group Trip                            

June 26, July 3 – No Troop Meetings

July 3-4 – Troop BBQ Sale, pickup on July 4th 10 am-Noon

July 9 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

July 10 – Weekly Troop meetings resume

July 11 – Deadline to sign up for Water Ski Clinic

July 14-16 – Summer Adventure New Orleans Train Trip

July 21 – Water Ski Clinic

July 29 – God and Country Program begins


©2025, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee