Troop 48 Update - 2/28/14

Posted on Sat, Mar 1, 2014:

Reminder – 2nd Summer Camp Fee and T-shirt Orders due next Tuesday, 3/4

The 2nd payment of $75 for Scouts and $30 for leaders for Summer Camp is due Tuesday night to Lynn Poore. T-shirt orders and money are also due to Peggy Lux Tuesday night – this will be the only order before Summer Camp (see details below for T-shirts). Scout Bucks may be used. Just a reminder Summer camp health forms must be signed by a doctor and are due by 4/29 to Richard Ralph.


March 16th Eagle Court of Honor & March 15th Eagle Project

All families should have received an invitation in the mail to the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony for Mitchell Moore and Noah Montgomery on Sunday, March 16th at 2:00 pm. We would like as many families as possible to attend. Please RSVP to the invitation by emailing Donna Moore at, so they can have an accurate headcount to plan for the refreshments.


Josh Albert’s Eagle project is March 15th from 9-3 at the Albert home building bookshelves and cubbyholes for Knowledge Quest. Let Josh know if you can volunteer to help – adults and Scouts.


March Campout – Prepare for Camporee

Please make every effort for all Scouts to attend the March 21-23 campout to prepare for Camporee. The $20 camping fee is due by March 11th, but will also be accepted on March 4th if you’d like to go ahead and commit. Please also plan for all Scouts to attend Camporee practice at the church on March 8th from 9-12.


Journey to Excellence – Gold Level

Troop 48 is proud to have achieved the Gold Level (highest level) in the Journey to Excellence program for 2013. All Scouts and Leaders should get the new 2013 patch sewn on their uniform on the right sleeve below the Patrol emblem. Any prior years’ Journey to Excellence patches should be removed. If you did not receive a 2013 patch, see one of the Scoutmasters.


Troop T-shirts

All Scouts will need Troop 48 short-sleeve T-shirts to wear at Camporee in April and each day of Summer Camp in June. All t-shirt orders and money should be turned in by March 4th to Peggy Lux (orders may also be e-mailed to Peggy). This will be the only order we will make before Summer Camp, so be sure you have enough and the right size. Peggy will have samples of the shirts and sizes available at the Troop meeting. There is also a new option for a long-sleeve t-shirt. There are two types of shirts, a cotton t-shirt and a performance t-shirt that dries out more easily when wet. The prices are:


Cotton t-shirt, short sleeve - $9

Performance t-shirt, short sleeve - $13


Cotton t-shirt, long sleeve - $12

Performance t-shirt, long sleeve - $16


Add $2 to any shirt for size XXL.


59th Annual Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser

Thanks to all Troop 48 Scouts and Families for their involvement and support for our 59th Annual Spaghetti Supper!  We served more than 225 guests and earned more than $2,600 after expenses.  The earnings will be used for campouts, camping equipment, service projects and other Troop activities.


Upcoming Events

Feb 28 – Mar 2 – Teambuilding Campout, Camp Yocona

Mar 3 – Troop Committee Meeting

Mar 4 – T-shirt orders and money due

Mar 4 – Second Summer Camp Payment Due ($75 Scout/$30 Leader)

Mar 8 – Camporee practice 9-12

Mar 15 – Josh Albert’s Eagle project 9-3 at the Albert home

Mar 16 – Eagle Court of Honor – 2:00

Mar 21-23 – Campout for Camporee Prep

Mar 25 – BSA Swimmer Classification Test for Scouts and Leaders


©2025, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee