Troop 48 Update - 5/8/15

Posted on Thu, May 7, 2015:

Flag Placement

Flag Placement Service Project – Saturday, May 23

Our Troop will assist in placing flags at West TN Veterans Cemetery at 4000 Forest Hill Irene Rd from 8:00 am – 10:00 am. If you will be attending, please sign up with Mr. Bo Hormberg at the next Troop meeting. If you would like to meet at the church at 7:30 am to ride together, please let Mr. Hormberg know. Bring a screwdriver and hammer/mallet to make a pilot hole for the flags, and wear the Class A scout uniform.


BBQ Fundraiser – July 3 & 4

Attached is the order form for our BBQ fundraiser for July 4th, please see the form for details. Note orders are due by June 25, but our last regular Troop meeting is June 2, so you may want to turn in orders early.  Please turn in all orders and money to Mr. Richard Ralph.


Mother’s Ribbon Neckbands

If you would like to purchase a mother’s ribbon neckband for the rank advancement parent’s pins, please let Kim Ridenhour know by Tuesday, May 19. The cost is $8 each and the money will be collected later when the order comes in. There are two versions – one for Boy Scout pins only, and one for both Boy Scout and Cub Scout pins. Replacement pins are also available for purchase, please let Kim know which pins you need.


Skymont Summer Camp – June 6-13

Attached are some reminders and packing list for Skymont Summer Camp. Be sure to bring a sack lunch for Saturday, June 6th and money for lunch on the return trip.


Summer Schedule Reminder

There will be no Troop meetings in June, except for June 2.  Troop meetings will resume July 7, however there will be no meeting on July 14. Troop meetings in May will be outside at the Ralph Moak Garage.


Water Ski Training – June 27

The Collierville Ski Club will be providing a water ski training for our Scouts on Saturday, June 27 at noon. The location is 9710 Holmes Road in Collierville. Please sign up with Mr. Eric Hube at the next Troop meeting. Participants must be classified as a BSA Swimmer.


Friends of Scouting – Consider a Donation

The Chickasaw Council is asking for donations to the Friends of Scouting program to help support the cost of the Scouting program, Camporees, summer camps, and providing Scouting to those who cannot afford it. They are offering a Centennial Award program to Troops that meet certain criteria, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Council. See the attached link to make a donation online ($10 minimum) that is credited to our Troop toward the award goals, and view a video about the Friends of Scouting Campaign:

Do a good turn and make your donation today!


Upcoming Events                                                              

May 23 - Flag Placement service project – West TN Veterans Cemetery - 8 am

June 1 - Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

June 6-13 - Skymont Summer Camp

June 9, 16, 23, 30 – No Troop meetings

June 25 – BBQ orders and money due

June 27 – Water ski training

July 3 & 4 – BBQ fundraiser

July 6 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

July 7 – Troop meeting 7 pm, final payment for DC trip due

July 11-18 – Washington DC Summer Adventure

July 14 – No Troop meeting

©2024, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee