Troop 48 Update - 10/5/2023

Posted on Wed, Oct 4, 2023:

Pancake Supper Fundraiser – Wednesday, October 25

Our Pancake Supper Fundraiser will be Wednesday, October 25 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. Tickets are available online at the link below, or using the attached QR code:

Link to Pancake Supper Tickets


Tickets are $10, with Children age 5-12 at $5. Tickets will also be available at the door. The online ticket site will request an editable contribution to help cover credit card fees, but you can choose “Other” and enter $0 to pay no fee. If you are working at the fundraiser and want to eat, you need to purchase a ticket. Please sell as many tickets as you can – you can email your friends/family and advertise on social media.


We need as many Scouts and Adults available to help work at the fundraiser. Please sign up using the link below:

Link to Volunteer Sign Up for Pancake Supper

            Set up will be during the Troop meeting on Tuesday, October 24

            Cooks need to report at 3:30 PM on October 25

            Two shifts of Scouts and Adults are needed for 4:30-6:45 pm and 6:15-8:30 pm. Scouts should be in uniform.

            Clean up will start at 7 PM and we should be done by 8:30 PM.

            If you can only be there part of the time, please note the times you will be available in the Comments.


Popcorn Fundraiser – Take Order Forms due October 24

Keep selling popcorn! Turn in Take Order Forms and money on Tuesday, October 24.  Prize selections are due on Tuesday, November 28.


University of Scouting – October 7

The University of Scouting on October 7th ( includes a Merit Badge College with the following being offered - American Business, Citizenship in the Community, Communication, Crime Prevention/Fingerprinting, Disabilities Awareness, Electricity, Fire Safety, Leatherwork, Model Design and Building, Space Exploration, Sustainability, Weather, and Wood Carving. It will be held at Getwell Church in Southaven, MS from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Please see the link for registration information and more details.


No Troop Meetings on October 10 and October 31

There will be no troop meeting on Tuesday, October 10 due to fall break. There will also be no troop meeting on October 31 for Halloween.


Patrol Leader Council Elections – October 17

PLC Elections are October 17th for the November to April term.  Applications should be brought in on the 3rd, or 17th or emailed to the Scoutmaster.  You will not be able to run if you do not have parental approval and agree to participate in the Leadership Training. Leadership position descriptions, including the application form, are attached.


BSA Registration Fees Due November 7

The annual BSA registration fee will be due on November 7. The fee for Scouts is $95 and the fee for registered adults is $60. The fee for Merit Badge Counselors who are not also registered adults is $25.


Upcoming Events                                                             

October 10 – No Troop Meeting – Fall Break

October 17 – PLC Elections

October 20-22 – Campout – Cub Scout OctoberQuest at Camp Currier

October 24 – Signup and $30 fee due for November 10-12 Campout

October 24 – Popcorn Take Order Forms and Money Due

October 25 – Pancake Supper Fundraiser – 5:30 PM

October 31 – No Troop Meeting – Halloween

November 4 – Troop service project at Faith Presbyterian

November 7 – BSA Registration Fees due


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page:    -    Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

©2025, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee