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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 6/11/2023
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2022 06 June - Skymont Trip Plan

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Troop 48 Update - 6/11/2023

Posted on Sun, Jun 11, 2023

Next Fundraiser – Wednesday, July 19th

Unfortunately, we will not have our July 1-2 Barbecue Fundraiser this year. The smoker we have used in the past was not available. Instead, we will have a Pancake Supper fundraiser at the church on Wednesday, July 19th from 5:30-7:30 pm. More information to come, but please save the date to be available to work at the fundraiser.


Campout Fees

The Troop Committee has voted to raise the regular campout fee from $25 to $30 per person to help cover increasing costs. This will be effective with the August 11-13 campout.


Job Opportunity – A Scout is Helpful

Mr. Issing’s sister and brother-in-law are moving from Bozeman, Montana to Collierville this month and are looking for some strong Scouts to unload the contents of their pod when it arrives. What it would entail is unloading living room, bedroom, and kitchen furniture, several baker’s racks and lots of boxes and garage items. The one catch is that the timing is not yet confirmed. It could come as early as July 3 and as late as July 6 but not on Independence Day.  It should take 2 to 3 hours to off load everything. They are offering $75 each. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Issing at (And cc a leader.)  His brother-in-law is a former Scoutmaster.


Updated Troop Roster Attached

Attached is an updated copy of our troop roster file. Please save this file, as it is not posted on our troop website.


Skymont Reminders

All those going to Skymont summer camp should be at the church at 8 AM this Saturday, June 17 to depart at 8:30 AM. Please remember to bring a sack lunch and drink and enough money for your week at camp and to pay for lunch on the return trip. The Trip Plan and Packing List are attached.


Summer Schedule and Uniforms

There will be no regular troop meetings on June 20, 27 and July 4, 11, 18 and 25 for the summer break. The only exception to this is that there will be a Swim Fun Night (and swim checks if needed) on July 25 at Germantown Athletic Club. Regular weekly troop meetings will resume on August 1. Also, the Troop wears Class B activity uniforms for the summer at Troop meetings until Labor Day (Troop t-shirt instead of Uniform shirt, no neckerchief, but still have BSA socks, belt, shorts/pants and cap). Class A field uniforms are required when traveling on all trips, even in the summer.


Upcoming Events 

 June 17-24 – Skymont Summer Camp

 June 20, 27 – No Regular Troop Meetings

 July 4, 11, 18, 25 – No Regular Troop Meetings

 July 19 – Pancake Supper Fundraiser – 5:30-7:30 PM

 July 25 – Swim Fun Night at GAC


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

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