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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 6/24/21
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Troop 48 July 4th BBQ Fundraiser Flyer - 2021

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Troop 48 Update - 6/24/21

Posted on Thu, Jun 24, 2021

BBQ Sale Fundraiser – Orders due by this Saturday June 26

Please sell as much BBQ as you can for our fundraiser. The order deadline is this Saturday, June 26 and attached is the order form. Pick-up will be on Saturday, July 3 from 9-11 am at the church. We are selling delicious pork roasts, ribs and sauce prepared by our own Mr. Richard Ralph and the Serial Grillers team, so get your orders in, so you don’t miss out!  Orders need to be emailed to Mrs. Stephanie Hardin by June 26th at Payment can be turned in to Mrs. Stephanie Hardin on July 3 at pickup. Payments can be made by cash or check made out to Troop 48, or using a credit card on Plastiq (with administrative charge).  We will not accept PayPal payments for our fundraiser.


We will need volunteers to assist with the BBQ cooking and clean-up:

 July 2: 3 pm – 4 pm – Need adults to help prep the meat in the church kitchen and get the cooker ready.

 July 2: Overnight – Need adults to monitor the meat – wrapping, basting and pulling off as it reaches the desired temperature. Bring a cot, sleeping bag or mattress to spend the night in the church.

 July 3: 9 am – 1 pm – Need Scouts and adults to help pass out orders, clean the cookers and load equipment. Wear Class B uniforms.

If you can help, please sign up at this link:


Update to Mask Policy

Effective immediately, face masks will not be required for Troop 48 activities unless stated otherwise. Of course, participants may elect to wear them anyway.


Reminder – no troop meeting this Tuesday. We will resume weekly in-person troop meetings on July 6 (weather permitting).


Adult Volunteer Needed to Lead Popcorn Sale

We need an adult volunteer to lead our BSA popcorn sale this fall. The sale usually runs September-November. The popcorn leader is responsible for the following:

· Attend the kick-off meeting for the Council

· Promote the sale in our troop

· Set up popcorn accounts for each Scout

· Collect and aggregate orders from our Scouts

· Place the troop’s popcorn order on the popcorn website

· Pick-up the popcorn and distribute the orders

· Order and deliver prizes

If you can help with leading the popcorn sale this year, please let John Campbell or Kim Ridenhour know.


July Campout and Return to Carpooling

Our July campout will be July 16-18 at Lake Ouachita near Hot Springs, AR for fishing, swimming and kayaking. Good news parents, we will be returning to carpooling together and will no longer require parents to drive their sons to the campouts. We will meet at the Ralph Moak garage at 5:30 PM on July 16 and pick-up will be at 3:30 PM on July 18. The campout fee will be returning to $25 per person and will be due on July 6 at the troop meeting. If you need to schedule a BSA swim check, please let Scoutmaster Issing know.


Upcoming Events 

June 26 – BBQ orders due

June 29 – No Troop meeting 

July 2 – BBQ cooking (adults)

July 3 – BBQ pickup – 9-11 am

July 6 – Troop meeting at 7 PM; July $25 campout fee due; regular weekly troop meetings resume

July 12 – Troop Committee Meeting on WebEx – 7 PM

July 16-18 – July Campout at Lake Ouachita


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our Facebook page and 'like' it.

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