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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 10/20/19
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Troop 48 Update - 10/20/19

Posted on Sun, Oct 20, 2019

Popcorn Orders and Money – Due this Tuesday, October 22 to Mrs. Gamblin


Backpacking 101 Demo for First-Time Backpackers – Tuesday, October 22 – Parents should Attend

The November 15-17 trip is the troop's 'backpacking 101' or introduction to backpacking weekend. As a 101, we will be hiking a small number of miles in an area with gentle hills and beautiful scenery. Completing this 101 allows the Scout to tackle the 201 backpacking trip in February. To prepare the first-timers for the November trip, a demonstration on the proper gear to bring will be held at on Tuesday, October 22 at 7:05 PM in the library across the hall from the Scout room. In order to attend the November trip, the first-timer Scout needs to participate in this demonstration and pass his gear check. A parent is strongly encouraged to attend this demonstration as well.


During this demonstration, the troop's backpacking gear list will be reviewed, which can be found on our Web site here: Most of the standard camping trip gear will suffice for this trip and a number of the items are available to borrow from the troop. This includes backpacks for both Scouts and dads. Please see our quartermaster, Mr. Gulati, to borrow any items.


Merit Badge College – Saturday, November 2

International Paper and the Chickasaw Council, Boy Scouts of America are partnering on the second annual IP Merit Badge College which will take place in Tower III of the International Paper Global Headquarters (6420 Poplar Avenue) on Saturday November 2. This event will be open to members of Scouts BSA units registered in the Chickasaw Council. It will run from 8:45 a.m. until 4 p.m. The following merit badges will be offered: 

    1. American Labor
    2. Engineering
    3. Forestry
    4. Pulp and Paper
    5. Sustainability


Some pre-work or post-class work will be required in order to complete each merit badge. Any Scout who has interest in taking one of these badges needs to seek permission from the Scoutmaster ASAP as registration will open early next week. Once permission is granted, the parent may register using the link to be provided. Contacting the Scoutmaster can be done via e-mail or by calling him at home: Home: 853-1713


Greenery Sale

We will be selling greenery on Sunday, October 27 at Faith Presbyterian Church. Please let Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds know if you can help with this. Greenery orders and money will be due October 29 to Mrs. Reynolds, and the products will be delivered in mid-November. Scouts will earn 60% of the profits in their Scout Bucks account, so this is your fundraiser to build up your account and fund your campout and summer camp fees.


Drink Containers Needed

We are in need of some empty and clean drink containers of approximately 48 ounces. Think cranberry juice cocktail container. If you can help, please bring them to a troop meeting this month.


Upcoming Events 

Oct 21 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Meeting – 7 PM

Oct 22 – Backpacking 101 demo for First-time Backpackers and their Parents -  7:05 PM

Oct 22 – Popcorn orders and money due to Mrs. Gamblin

Oct 25-57 – Canoeing Campout

Oct 27 – Greenery sale at Faith Presbyterian

Oct 29 – Greenery orders and money due to Mrs. Reynolds

Nov 2 – IP Merit Badge College



Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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