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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 10/6/17
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Troop 48 Update - 10/6/17

Posted on Sun, Oct 8, 2017

Chess Merit Badge Class

Mr. Bryan Vaux will be leading a class for the Chess Merit Badge. The class will be held on three Thursday evenings on October 19, 26 and November 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Whole Foods store in Germantown in the Community Room (upstairs). If you would like to sign up for the class, please contact him at the Troop meeting or via email at; he also needs a second adult to stay for each of the classes, so if you can volunteer to do that for one or more of the classes, please let Bryan know.


Welcome to our Newest Scout

We would like to welcome our newest Scout Heinrich Lambo and his family the Troop!


Popcorn Fundraiser

The orders and money are due on October 24, and the popcorn will be delivered on November 14. If you fill up an entire order form sheet, please turn it in to Mrs. Gamblin to be entered into a drawing for weekly prizes. Scoutmaster Issing’s challenge is to sell $1,000 of popcorn and you will get to put a pie in his face! Also, all Scouts will earn 60% of the Troop’s profit for what they sell in their Scout Bucks account. So let’s get selling!


Greenery Fundraiser

The orders and money are due on October 24, and the greenery will likely be delivered the week of November 13.  Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 Scouts with the most sales, and if you sell more than Scoutmaster Issing, you will get to put a pie in his face!  Scouts earn 60% of the profits for what they sell in their Scout Bucks account, so this is a great way to pay for your Scouting activities!  For Holiday Gift orders that will be shipped by FedEx, be sure to complete a Holiday Gift Order Form for each item. Please see Mrs. Ridenhour if you need more Holiday Gift Order Forms. Note that we are selling 25” and 36” wreaths – the 25” ones will fit on a door, the 36” ones are too large for a door.



Our Troop is actively recruiting for new members, so please invite any boys you know ages 11-17 to join us at a Troop meeting. We’ll be inviting prospects to camp with us on the November campout at Wall Doxey State Park November 10-12.


Hope everyone has a great Fall Break!  The Troop will meet on Tuesday, October 10 at 7 PM for those who are not out of town.


Upcoming Events 

Oct 16 – Patrol Leaders’ Council meeting – 7 PM

Oct 21-22 – Backpacking Campout

Oct 24 – Popcorn & Greenery orders & money due

Oct 24 – $25 November campout fee due

Oct 28 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Training

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