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Troop 48 Update - 4/6/17
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Troop 48 Update - 4/6/17

Posted on Mon, Apr 10, 2017

Swim Check – next Tuesday, April 11 (NO Regular Troop meeting at the Church)

Our annual swim check will be held this coming Tuesday, April 11 at Germantown Athletic Club at 1801 Exeter Road instead of our regular Troop meeting (we will not be meeting at the church). Club members should bring their membership card.  Non-members need to bring the attached waiver, completed and signed.  The Troop will pay $5 for each non-member to swim.  Scouts and adults who plan to participate in water activities with the Troop are required to pass the swim check.  This includes Skymont, the Summer Adventure whitewater trip in July and our canoe trip in August. Scouts who have swim requirements to work on for advancement should bring their handbooks.  IF time allows, we will work on some of those requirements. Please arrive as follows by patrol, parents should come when their son is scheduled:


7:30 – Tortugas patrol and leadership corps

7:45 - Phoenix patrol

8:00 - Cobalt Foxes patrol


May Campout Fee due Tuesday, April 18

Our campout for May will be a rock climbing trip at Jackson Falls, IL on May 5-7. The climbing and repelling will be led by staff from Climb Nashville and they will provide the climbing equipment. The cost of this trip is $80 per person and is due on Tuesday, April 18.


Church Service Project – Saturday, April 22

We will be cleaning out flower beds and spreading mulch at the church on Saturday April 22 beginning at 9 am. We will finish by noon, but be prepared to pick up earlier if we finish early. Wear work clothes and gloves and bring a water bottle. If you can, bring a shovel or bucket to spread mulch.  All Scouts need service project hours to advance to the next rank, so this is an excellent opportunity to meet those requirements.


BSA Health Form C Due April 25 Health Form C requires a doctor’s signature and is due by April 25, so make your appointments to visit your doctor soon. Form C is required for trips over 72 hours for Scouts and Adults, (Skymont and the Summer Adventure), but we recommend that all Scouts get Form C completed and turned in to Mr. Richard Ralph by April 25.


Upcoming Events 

Apr 7-9 – April Campout – Camporee at Camp Currier 

Apr 11 – Swim Check at Germantown Athletic Club (No Troop meeting)

Apr 17 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Meeting – 7 PM

Apr 18 – $80 due for May Climbing Campout

Apr 22 – Service Project at the church – 9 AM

Apr 23 – Higher Adventurers – Ghost River trip

Apr 25 – Health Form C due to Mr. Ralph

May 2 – Awards Court of Honor – 7 PM

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 4/6/17

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