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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 5/4/14
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Troop 48 Update - 5/4/14

Posted on Tue, May 6, 2014

Awards Court of Honor – May 6th

All families are invited to attend our next Awards Court of Honor on Tuesday, May 6th  at 7 pm. The church building will be used as an election site that day, so we will meet in the sanctuary as usual, but our refreshments will be in a different room - Room 123 (youth room). Thanks to the Phoenix and Knights/Tortugas patrols for providing refreshments. Malcolm Thornton, our District Executive, will present on the Friends of Scouting program.


Summer Adventure $25 Deposit due May 6th

The Summer Adventure campout is July 25-27 at Pickwick Lake and will include water skiing, boating and fishing. The first deposit of $25 is due on Tuesday, May 6th at the Awards Court of Honor.



We welcome Robyn Dickson and Sam Lee and their families to Troop 48! Robyn and Sam are Life Scouts and have transferred from Troop 325.


Volunteers Needed

We have an opening for the very rewarding position of Spaghetti Supper Chairman for next year's supper. You will get great training and a continuity book with detailed lessons learned in it. Either a Mom or Dad can step up and you will get great support from the committee and parents for an exciting event!


We also have a few open positions on our Troop Committee. Please consider how you can help the Troop and if you are interested in a position, please contact Kim Ridenhour. The Troop Committee meets monthly on the first Monday at 7 pm, and our next meeting is tomorrow May 5th. All parents are welcome to attend Committee meetings, so please join us if you would like to find out how you can become more involved.


Check out our Website –

Posted on our website are some new items:

  1. Photos from our February, March and April trips posted under Photos.
  2. A narrative of each trip posted under Scoutmaster's Blog.

Stay up to date on Troop happenings by checking the News section. All of these items are available without having to sign on so please take a look and see what we have been up to. 


Save the Date – July 12th

Our Troop’s 85th Anniversary is this year, and we will have an 85th Anniversary Celebration on July 12th. The Anniversary Committee led by Barry Moore has planned an event with wonderful food and great entertainment, so please make plans to attend! More details will be provided at the Awards Court of Honor. If any Scouts or Leaders are interested in purchasing custom Troop 48 numerals for their uniform with the 85 year veteran bar, please let Kim Ridenhour know. The cost will be $5 each and they won’t be available until  July 12th, but we just want to get an idea of how many to order.


Upcoming Events

 May 5 – Troop Committee Meeting

 May 6 – Awards Court of Honor

 May 24 – Flag placement service project

 June 2 – Troop Committee Meeting

 June 7-14 – Skymont Summer Camp

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 5/4/14

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