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Troop 48 Update - 6/3/16
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Troop 48 Update - 6/3/16

Posted on Sat, Jun 4, 2016

Family Life Merit Badge

The Family Life merit badge will be offered to Scouts who have already achieved the rank of First Class beginning on Monday June 6th at 6:00 PM at the church.  This Eagle required merit badge has a requirement that Scouts chart 90 days of activity to earn the badge.  A follow up meeting will be scheduled approximately 90 days later.  If you didn’t sign up at the last Troop meeting please contact Mr. Hormberg if you are interested in participating at Scouts should read through the requirements, be prepared for discussion and bring paper and pen/pencil to the meeting.  Merit badge books are recommended.


July 4th BBQ Fundraiser

Attached is the order form for our July 4th BBQ Fundraiser, see the attached form for the details. Please complete a form for each order and turn in to Mr. Richard Ralph by June 28th. We will not be having Troop meetings after June 7th before the deadline, so you may want to bring in your orders this Tuesday. This is some wonderful BBQ, so do not miss out!  We will also need some Scouts to help distribute the BBQ on July 4th, more details to come later.


Skymont Summer Camp

We will meet at the Ralph Moak Garage at 8 am on Saturday, June 11th to depart for summer camp. Everyone needs to bring a sack lunch. Information on the camp and what to pack can be found at (see 2016 Leader’s Guide pg 11 for what to pack). Scouts should bring some money to spend at the canteen during the week.


Don’t Bug Me!

Protect yourself from mosquitoes, check out these articles on insect repellent tips:


Class B Uniforms

For Troop meetings from Memorial Day to Labor Day, Scouts may wear Class B Uniforms to Troop meetings. Class A is still required for traveling on campouts. Class B means wearing your Troop 48 t-shirt, Scout shorts/pants with belt, Scout socks, and Troop cap.


Summer Break

Just a reminder that June 7th is our last Troop meeting before our summer break. There are no Troop meetings on June 14, 21, 28 or July 5th. We will resume Troop meetings on July 12th.


Journey to Eagle

Check out a new article posted to our Troop 48 webpage – on the New Scout Parents page. Our Troop supports that Scouts should focus on the journey instead of just advancement.


Kroger Community Rewards

An easy way for our Troop to earn funds from Kroger is for our Troop families to designate Troop 48 as their Community Rewards choice. It has no impact on your discounts or gas points, Kroger just donates to our Troop based on you purchases made with your Kroger card. Attached are the directions on how to enroll. Check the bottom of your Kroger receipt to see if you are enrolled. If not, please sign up today!


Upcoming Events 

June 4 – FPC Patriotic Program - 2pm (flag ceremony participants at 1:30 pm)

June 6 – Family Life Merit Badge class – 6 pm

June 6 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

June 11-18 – Skymont Summer Camp – 8 am, bring a sack lunch

June 14, 21, 28 & July 5 – No Troop meetings

June 28 – BBQ orders due to Mr. Ralph

July 4 – BBQ pickup – 10 am to Noon

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 6/3/16

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