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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 7/13/20
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Troop 48 Update - 7/13/20

Posted on Mon, Jul 13, 2020

Fishing Merit Badge – July 25

Troop 48 will be offering Fishing Merit Badge to the following Scouts:

· Scouts who have previously opened the badge and are interested in completing

· Scouts that have interest in the badge and would like to open & complete


When & Where:

· Cameron Brown Park – Germantown Tennessee (Same pavilion where we had the Troop 48 Family gathering last fall)

· Saturday, July 25, 2020 8:00am – 12:00 noon


What do you need to bring:

· Water Bottle

· Snack

· Camp Chair

· Fishing Pole & Tackle Box – if you don’t have a pole and tackle, let Mr. Snyder know in advance so he can provide those

· Sunscreen and Sunglasses

· Pencil/Pen – Copy of Fishing Merit Badge Requirements

· Copy of Tennessee State Fishing Regulations and License

· Wear your Troop 48 (red) T-shirt

· Facial Mask

· Desire to have fun & catch fish!


COVID – 19 Precautions:

· Social distancing will be strictly enforced

· Facial masks will be required and strictly enforced

· Frequent had washing



· Tennessee State Fishing License (if over the age of 13yrs)

· Print a copy of Fishing Merit Badge Requirements

· Print a copy of Tennessee State Fishing  Regulations


Mr. Matt Jordan and Mr. Brent Snyder will be offering the merit badge.  If you are interested in opening or completing the badge please contact Mr. Snyder @ 901-409-7637 or [] All other leaders or dads are welcome to attend and enjoy a great morning of fishing.  An alternate date will be scheduled if the weather is not permitting on Saturday July 25.


Thanks, we look forward to seeing you for a fun morning of fishing.


Mr. Snyder

ASM Troop 48


Other Items to Note:

· Several virtual merit badges are available on the Chickasaw Council calendar. Visit this site regularly to review the ones offered and register. The Scout needs approval from Scoutmaster Issing (call his home number) to begin the merit badge. Space is limited, so act quickly if you would like to register.


· Interesting article on The Congressional Award for youth – many Scouting activities overlap with these requirements, but you must register (nothing before you register counts):


· All Troop 48 in-person activities are cancelled until the church informs us that we can return. The troop is meeting virtually on Tuesdays, so watch your emails for the WebEx links.


· A message from Ken Allen from the Chickasaw Council: We are putting together our fall recruiting plan for the coming year and are looking for everyone who has a special connection with the schools we serve.  Are you, or anyone you know on the PTO for any of our schools?  Do you ever help with things like final bell logistics?  Do you know the principal well?  We want to provide them better service…. and we could use your help to understand the best ways to do so. Respond to:


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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