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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 8/18/17
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Troop 48 Update - 8/18/17

Posted on Thu, Aug 24, 2017

Greenery Fundraiser

We need someone to volunteer to help lead the Greenery Fundraiser. Our fundraisers are important to keep down the costs of our Troop’s activities. If we don’t have parent involvement in our fundraisers, then we will need to raise the prices of Troop activities. If you can help with this, please let Kim Ridenhour know.


Bring a Friend Night – September 12

Our Troop is actively recruiting for new members, so please invite any boys you know ages 11-17 to join us at a Troop meeting. We will be having a specially planned Troop meeting for visitors on September 12. Bring a friend, and you and your friend will get pizza! Also, we’ll be inviting prospects to camp with us on the November campout at Wall Doxey State Park November 10-12.


Merit Badge Counselors Needed

We need someone to volunteer to be a Merit Badge Counselor for the Chess Merit Badge. If you could volunteer to lead this merit badge, please let Becky Vietzke know. ([] There are more than 135 different merit badges, so if you have experience in any of these topics, please consider sharing your time with the Scouts and serving as a merit badge counselor. See Becky  Vietzke for an application form if you are interested.


Troop Mobilization Plan Drill – August 26

The Troop will be testing its Troop Mobilization Plan (TMP) on Saturday morning, August 26th. All Scouts are asked to participate. Scouts who are taking the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge must attend in order to complete requirement number 7.


The exact time of arrival will be shared to each Scout and Leader by a phone call or text message originating from the SM on Saturday morning (8/26) no earlier than 8 am. The Troop will be using the "call-down tree" system, which must be exercised to test its effectiveness. Please don't just show up. You must receive instructions on when to arrive.


There will be a brief "after action" session giving everyone a chance to report what went well and what did not. The session will end at 11:00 am.


Drill Information:

What: Conduct a "Lost-child" Search and to test the T-48 Troop Mobilization Plan

Who: Troop, Leaders and Parents

When: Saturday morning, August 26th

Where: Faith Presbyterian Church Property

Scenario: The Troop is called upon to help search for a "lost child" who wandered away from a nearby home. While first responders will be busy searching other areas of the neighborhood, the Troop has been asked to do a thorough search of Faith Presbyterian Church property. 


Solar Eclipse Patch

The BSA is offering a Solar Eclipse patch. This is a rare event on August 21 that a total solar eclipse is passing over the US. Here are the requirements to earn the patch at this link:



Upcoming Events 

Aug 18-20 – Canoeing Campout

Aug 21 – Patrol Leaders’ Council meeting – 7 PM

Aug 26 – Troop Mobilization Plan Practice

Aug 28 – Troop Committee Meeting for Sept – 7 PM

Sep 5 – $25 due for September campout

Sep 5 – Switch to Class A uniforms

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 8/18/17

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