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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 8/8/14
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Troop 48 Update - 8/8/14

Posted on Sat, Aug 9, 2014

BBQ Ribs and Pork Roast Labor Day Sale – August 29-30

Since the July 4th BBQ sale proceeds were for the trailer fund, we’re having another BBQ fundraiser for Labor Day. In addition to pork roasts ($40) and sauce ($8), we will also be selling full slabs of ribs for $25. Attached is an order form. Orders and money should be turned into Richard Ralph by August 22nd. We need adult volunteers to help cook through the night on August 29th, so please let Richard know if you can help. Also, the Scouts will be needed on Saturday, August 30th from 9-12 for BBQ distribution (Class B Troop t-shirts).


August Campout Fees due Tuesday, August 12th

The next campout is to Lake Ouachita on August 22nd -24th for canoeing, kayaking and swimming. The fee is $20 and is due next Tuesday.


July Summer Adventure – $25 Refund

The expenses for the July Summer Adventure were less than projected, so we are giving everyone who attended that trip a $25 refund in their Scout Bucks account. Attached is a summary of the Scout Bucks balances.


New Items on

· Photos from our May, June and July trips have posted under Photos.

· A narrative of the trips has been posted under Scoutmaster's Blog.

 Stay up to date on Troop happenings by checking the News section. All of these items are available without having to sign on so please take a look and see what we have been up to.  

Upcoming Events

 Aug 12 – Campout fee due

Aug 25 – Troop Committee meeting

Aug 29-30 – BBQ fundraiser

Sep 9 – Awards Court of Honor

Sep 9 - $20 due for Sept Campout

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