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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 9/28/14
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Troop 48 Update - 9/28/14

Posted on Mon, Sep 29, 2014

Reminder – October Campout Fee due this Tuesday, 9/30


The October 17-19 campout will be backpacking in the Sipsey Wilderness, Bankhead National Forest. The $20 camping fee is due at the next Troop meeting on September 30 (this is moved up one week due to Fall Break). Please sign up by September 30. If the payment deadline is missed, the procedure that the Scout must follow to sign up after the deadline is now posted our on Troop website under “Procedures”. Here is the link -


Popcorn Sale

Our popcorn show & sells will be Saturday, October 4th at Lowe’s at Hacks Cross and Winchester from 9 am – 5 pm, and Sunday, October 5th at Kroger on Exeter from 9 am – 5 pm. Please sign up to work a shift at the 9/30 Tuesday Troop meeting, or by emailing Kim Ridenhour (please sign up by 10/1). Shifts will be 4 hours for 9-1 or 1-5. We need at least one adult to sign up for each shift. If you can’t work a 4 hour shift, just let Kim Ridenhour know what hours you can work. Scouts will receive popcorn sales credit for a pro-rata portion of the total show & sell profits based on the number of hours worked.


If you haven’t received your Popcorn sale take-order form, please contact Ross Earl. Take-Orders are due on October 28th. Popcorn will be delivered around Nov. 13th. Money for the orders will be due when the popcorn is delivered. For all popcorn sales, Scouts will receive 60% of the Troop’s profits for the popcorn they sell in their Scout Bucks accounts. There are weekly prize drawings for selling $600 or filling up an order sheet, so let Ross Earl know if you have sold that much to get entered into the drawing.


Greenery Fundraiser

Please see Gina or Roger Eddleman if you did not receive a Greenery fundraiser packet. Orders and money are due by October 28th. Scouts will earn 60% of the profits they sell in their own Scout Bucks account, and there are prizes for top sellers and anyone who sells more than Mr. Issing!  If you have any questions concerning the greenery fundraiser, please contact Gina Eddleman. The Greenery and Popcorn fundraisers are key to our Troop’s financial stability, and is a great way for the Scout to learn about salesmanship and earn Scout Bucks! So please sell as much as possible!


Spaghetti Supper

We need an adult volunteer to help co-chair the Spaghetti Supper with Eric Hube. Please let Kim Ridenhour or Eric Hube know if you are interested. This event is always a lot of fun, and an important part of our Troop’s history!


September 20th Service Project

Thanks to all who participated in staining the church’s fence around the air conditioning units – it looks great!


Eagle Scout Court of Honor – Save the Date

The Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Josh Albert will be on Saturday, November 15th at 5:00 pm. Invitations will be mailed later to everyone’s homes.


Upcoming Events  

   Sep 29 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7pm

   Sep 30 – $20 due for Oct Campout 

Sep 30 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Elections

Oct 4-5 – Popcorn Show & Sell

Oct 14 – Webelos visiting our Troop

Oct 17-19 – Backpacking campout – Sipsey

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 9/28/14

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