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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 9/30/19
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Troop 48 Update - 9/30/19

Posted on Mon, Sep 30, 2019

Troop Family Picnic – tomorrow Tuesday, October 1 at 6:00 PM

We will be having a Troop Family Picnic instead of a Troop meeting on Tuesday October 1, please bring the whole family!


Location and Time: The Pavilion on the west side of the lake at Cameron Brown Park in Germantown (8628 Farmington), starting at 6:00 pm.

  • Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds has sent out a sign-up. Please RSVP as soon as possible with how many are coming from your family, so we can have a count for the food to prepare. You can edit your RSVP later to say what you are bringing if you haven’t decided yet.
  • Each family should sign up to bring either a side dish or dessert, please list what you are bringing when responding to the sign-up email from Mrs. Reynolds, so we won’t have too much duplication.
  • Please bring serving utensils for your side dish or dessert, if needed.
  • The Troop will be providing hot dogs, condiments, drinks (Tea/Lemonade/water), plates, cups, napkins, dessert plates/bowls, and cutlery.
  • We will plan to eat around 6:30, so use a cooler if your food needs to be served cold.
  • Bring folding chairs.
  • Scouts should wear their activity uniform, but can wear any Scouting t-shirt (like Class B, but with any Scouting t-shirt).
  • Please bring any outdoor games, football, Frisbee, etc. if you like.


Church Service Project – Saturday October 5th

On Saturday, October 5th, we will have a service project at the church from 9 am – Noon. We will be painting the pergola and picnic tables next to the Ralph Moak garage. Please wear old clothes to paint in, and bring a water bottle. A pizza lunch will be provided. We will have a sign-up sheet at the picnic for those who can participate. We also need adults to help supervise. Please come and help so we can show the church how much we appreciate them.  


Greenery Sale

Our greenery sale is underway, please see Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds if you did not get your packet. Orders and money will be due October 29 to Mrs. Reynolds, and the products will be delivered in mid-November. Scouts will earn 60% of the profits in their Scout Bucks account, so this is your fundraiser to build up your account and fund your campout and summer camp fees.


Popcorn Sale

Our Scouts BSA popcorn sale is underway, so please sell as much as possible. Orders and money will be due on October 22 to Mrs. Yvonne Gamblin, and the products will be delivered in mid-November.  If you haven’t received your order form, please see Mrs. Gamblin, or the order form can be found online at: Popcorn Products Popcorn Order Form All orders must be entered online using the Scout’s online account with Trail’s End. Parents and Scouts can go to to set up the account. Scouts that already have an account from prior years but do not know the password or username should go to the log-in screen ( and use the “What’s my username” and “What’s my password” prompts. You can also use your account to take orders online, and there is now free shipping for online orders. There is also a Trail’s End app that allows you take orders using the app and you can also accept credit card payments through the app. Please contact Mrs. Gamblin if you have any questions.


Upcoming Events 

 Oct 1 – Family Picnic at Cameron Brown Park – 6:00 PM (No troop meeting at the church)

 Oct 3 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

 Oct 5 – Church Service Project – 9-Noon

 Oct 8 – $25 due for Canoeing campout Oct 25-27

 Oct 8 – PLC election


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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