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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 2/4/14
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Troop 48 Update - 2/4/14

Posted on Wed, Feb 5, 2014

Reminder - all moms need to bring a dessert for the Spaghetti Supper Friday night.


The first deposit for Summer Camp is due tonight ($75 for Scouts and $30 for Leaders). Scout Bucks may be used – attached are the latest Scout Bucks balances.

Ticket money and unsold tickets for the Spaghetti Supper are due tonight.


A few corrections noted in red below:


Tuesday, 2/4 – Court of Honor – 7:00 pm – Summer Camp Kickoff

All parents are encouraged to attend. There will be a presentation for Skymont Summer Camp (June 7-14th) - the first deposit is due that night ($75 for Scouts; $30 for Leaders). Cancellations after the initial deposit will incur a cancellation penalty.

Some advance planning you may want to consider -

All Scouts will need the BSA health form completed by 4/29. Part C is required for any Scout attending summer camp and requires a physician signature, so please make plans now. Parts A & B and a photocopy of the insurance card (front & back) are required for all Scouts who attend any campouts during the year. Please turn in completed forms to Richard Ralph.

All Scouts and Adults must pass the BSA swimming test to participate in water activities. We will conduct our swim test on March 25th, so you may want to start some swim practice in the next few weeks.


59th Annual Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser – Friday, Feb 7th, 5:00 – 7:00 pm (4:30 for drive thru)

This raises money and benefits the scouts – we need all hands on deck – it should be lots of fun! Our spaghetti features Mr. Provine’s secret recipe!

Scouts – Hand in unsold tickets and money from sold tickets at the Court of Honor on 2/4.  Scouts that sell 8 or more tickets eat free. Showtime is Friday afternoon the 7th at 4:00 pm.  Earlier if you can. We start serving drive-through meals at 4:30 pm.

Moms – We need you to bring a dessert for the spaghetti supper.  Please bring it by 4:00 pm.

Dads – We need you to be there to man different duty stations.  We will have a large contingent of Scouts and Dads outside waving posters advertising the drive-through. There will be a need for order runners, dish washers, gophers, and bread-butterers.  A big need is a Dad to help Phil and Ross on the noodles who can get here around 3:00 or 3:30 pm. 

All day FridayMoms or Dads are needed to help set up tables, chafing dish machine, stir sauce, supervise stirring of sauce, wrap silverware, wrap bread, etc.  During break time you can fix yourself some sauce and bread – yum!

Contact Eric Hube to volunteer

Thanks to: Kroger for the meat and other items at cost;  Panera bread for donated bread to sell; Costco for $100 donated for vegetables and supplies; Special thanks to Lynn Poore for setting up the donations, writing PR releases for the papers, creating the tickets and flyers, shopping for the ingredients and all his hard work as the treasurer.


Upcoming Events

Feb 4 – Awards Court of Honor and Summer Camp Kick-off

Feb 7 – Troop 48 59th Annual Spaghetti Supper

Feb 15 – Camporee Practice 9-12

Feb 18 – $20 Due for Campout

Feb 28 – Mar 2 – Teambuilding Campout, Camp Yocona

Mar 4 – Second Summer Camp Payment Due ($75 Scout/$30 Leader)


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