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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 3/23/14
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Troop 48 Update - 3/23/14

Posted on Sun, Mar 23, 2014

This Tuesday, March 25th BSA Swim Check

There will be no regular Troop meeting this Tuesday on March 25th. Instead, we will have a BSA swim check at St. George’s Independent School indoor pool beginning at 7:00 pm. The Knights and Tortugas Patrols should plan to arrive at 7:00 pm and the Pythons and Phoenix patrols can arrive at 7:15 pm. Adults will be tested after the Scouts. All Scouts and adults who want to participate in any Troop water activities must pass the BSA Swim Check every year. If you cannot attend that night, please let Barry Moore know. The campouts and summer camp for May, June, July and August will all include water activities, so please get your swim check completed on March 25th. There will also be an opportunity to complete requirements 8b and 8c for Second Class and requirements 9b and 9c for First Class (see details below).


Directions to St. George’s - 1880 Wolf River Blvd, Collierville. After you turn into the school's entrance, turn left and follow the circular drive all the way around behind the school. The pool is in a dome-shaped tent-like building next to the tennis courts.


2nd Class:

8b. Demonstrate your ability to jump feet first into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place.


Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects. Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim.

1st Class:

9b. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.

9c. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as tender and as rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.)


Reminder – April Campout Fee due Tuesday, 4/1 

Please make every effort for all Scouts to attend the April 11-13 campout for Camporee at Camp Currier. The $20 camping fee is due at the next regular Troop meeting on April 1. If the payment deadline is missed, the procedure that the Scout must follow to sign up after the deadline is now posted our on Troop website under “Procedures”. Here is the link -


Updated Troop Roster 

Attached is an updated copy of the Troop Roster with all of the contact information for the Troop. Please print out a copy to keep handy in case of emergency if the Troop is needed to mobilize to provide assistance to the community.


Calendar Update – Camporee Practice on 4/5

There will be a Camporee practice on Saturday, April 5th at the church from 9-12. Wear clothing appropriate for the weather and bring a water bottle. This practice was not included on the original Troop Calendar that was distributed, so please mark your calendars.


Hand-held GPS Units – Need to Borrow

Each patrol will need a hand-held GPS unit to use for the Forestry/GPS Camporee Event. We need to borrow three hand-held GPS units to use for the April 5th practice and for Camporee April 11-13th. It will be a big help if the Scouts can practice with the actual GPS unit they will use at Camporee. Please let Bo Hormberg (277-6878) know if you have a hand-held GPS unit the Troop can borrow.


Reminder – Health Forms Due 4/29

All Scouts will need the BSA health form completed by 4/29 (attached). Part C is required for any Scout attending summer camp and requires a physician signature, so please make plans now. Parts A & B and a photocopy of the insurance card (front & back) are required for all Scouts who attend any campouts during the year. Please turn in completed forms to Richard Ralph.


Volunteer Opportunity

We have an opening for the very rewarding position of Spaghetti Supper Chair for next February’s supper. You will get great training and a continuity book with detailed lessons learned. Either a Mom or Dad can step up and you will get great support from the Committee and parents for this exciting event! Please let Kim Ridenhour know if you are interested in this position.


Camp Currier Needs Volunteers 3/28-3/30

Camp Currier wants to recruit 150 adult leaders and Scouts to attend a work weekend 3/28, 8pm – 3/30, 10am, working on laying mulch, tree & brush removal and building fencing at the new Cope & Climbing and Shooting Sport areas. See the attached email for more details and how to register.


Support the Chickasaw Council

First Tennessee Bank is giving $5,000 to a different non-profit each day for 150 days, based on online votes. To vote for the Chickasaw Council, go to , search for “Boy Scout” and click on the Vote button below the First Tennessee logo for “Boy Scouts of America – Chickasaw Council”.  You can vote once each day from each device for the next 5 months.


Upcoming Events

Mar 25 – BSA Swimmer Classification Test for Scouts and Adults at St. George’s Independent School – 6:00 (no regular Troop Meeting)

Apr 1 - $20 Due for April campout

 Apr 5 – Camporee practice – 9-12

 Apr 7 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7:00

 Apr 8 – Patrol Leader Elections

 Apr 11-13 – Camporee at Camp Currier

 Apr 22 – Money due for May campout

 Apr 29 – Summer camp final payment due & BSA health forms due (signed by a doctor)

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 3/23/14

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