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Troop 48 Update - 8/30/19
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Troop 48 Update - 8/30/19

Posted on Sun, Sep 8, 2019

Popcorn Sale

Our Scouts BSA popcorn sale is underway, so please sell as much as possible. Orders and money will be due on October 22 to Mrs. Yvonne Gamblin, and the products will be delivered in mid-November.  If you haven’t received your order form, please see Mrs. Gamblin, or the order form can be found online at: Popcorn Products Popcorn Order Form All orders must be entered online using the Scout’s online account with Trail’s End. Parents and Scouts can go to to set up the account. Scouts that already have an account from prior years but do not know the password or username should go to the log-in screen ( and use the “What’s my username” and “What’s my password” prompts. You can also use your account to take orders online, and there is now free shipping for online orders. There is also a Trail’s End app that allows you take orders using the app and you can also accept credit card payments through the app. Please contact Mrs. Gamblin if you have any questions.


Adult Volunteer Needed

A very large tree has fallen on the east side of the church’s property, and our Troop has an opportunity to get free firewood if we do the work to cut it from the tree.  This would also be a service project to the church because they want the tree removed. We need an adult volunteer to organize this effort. If you are interested in leading this, please contact Kim Ridenhour.


Advancement Report Attached

Attached is this month’s advancement report. Please check to see if your record is up to date, and please see Mrs. Vietzke with your BSA Handbook if there are any updates to be made.


Troop Committee Meeting Date Changes

Since our Cub Scout Pack is meeting on Monday nights, we are changing the Troop Committee Meetings to the first Thursday of the month, instead of the first Monday of the month.  We will also be changing the meeting room to be the Scout room, Room 111.  The time will remain the same at 7:00 PM. Here are the new dates for the rest of 2019:

Monday, October 7 – change to Thursday, October 3

Monday, November 4 – change to Thursday, November 7

Monday, December 2 – change to Thursday, December 5

All parents are welcome to attend any Troop Committee meetings. If you would like to become a Committee Member, please see Kim Ridenhour.


Upcoming Events 

Sep 6-8 – Order of the Arrow Fall Ordeal – Camp Currier

Sep 17 – Awards Court of Honor

Sep 17 – $25 due for September 27-29 campout

Sep 24 – Bring a Friend Night

Sep 27-29 – Planning Campout at Arkabutla Lake


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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