Posted on Mon, Feb 2, 2015
Troop 48 had a strong presence during the morning service at Faith Presbyterian Church as we celebrated the anniversary of Scouting on Scout Sunday! Scouts handed out the program and collected the offering. What caught my eye the most was that our Chaplain Aid, Patrick P. was asked to come forward to read the scripture passage on stage on the microphone. This was a first! I like seeing Scouts fulfilling their responsibility in leadership roles! Patrick, you nailed it! Congratulations.
My take away from the sermon delivered by Pastor Darden was this: There has to be time and energy devoted to becoming an Eagle Scout. It takes a focus of faith. Our eternal life is the same. The road is narrow. The gate is small. You have to focus on the faith! We are like a tree that bears fruit. Some are rotten. Some are good. What kind of fruit are you going to be? If we live according to the values Scouting teaches, the fruit we bear will be good. But we must keep God in the center of everything we do.
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