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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 1/7/16
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Troop 48 Update - 1/7/16

Posted on Sun, Jan 10, 2016

Eagle Court of Honor - Saturday

Just a reminder that the Eagle Court of Honor for Hayden Smith and Tristan Hube will be this Saturday, January 9th at 3:00 pm in the chapel, with a reception following in Faith Hall. Those participating in the ceremony are asked to attend a rehearsal at 1:30 pm.


Backpack Inspection – Tuesday

All Scouts attending the January backpacking campout who are ranks below First Class need to bring their packed backpack to the Troop meeting for inspection on Tuesday, January 12th.


BSA Health Forms – Change in Due Dates

So that we can have the most up-to-date information, we have changed the deadline for turning in BSA Health Forms Parts A and B. Parts A and B are due to Mr. Richard Ralph by January 26th with a copy of your insurance card. All Scouts and adults attending campouts should turn in Parts A and B. These forms do not require a doctor’s signature.  Part C that requires a doctor’s signature will be due by the end of April. Forms are available at this link:


Bring a Friend Night – January 26th

We are looking to recruit some new Scouts to join Troop 48.  If you bring a friend to the Troop meeting on January 26th, you and your friend will get pizza! Only those who bring a friend will get to enjoy the pizza, so invite someone today!


Rank Advancement for February Awards Court of Honor

If you wish to advance in rank for the February Court of Honor, the last day for Scoutmaster conferences will be Tuesday, January 19th and the last day for Boards of Review will be Tuesday, January 26th. Please contact Mr. Issing to schedule Scoutmaster conferences and Mrs. Vietzke to schedule Boards of Review.


Scout Sunday – January 31st

Please plan to join the Troop in worship at Faith Presbyterian on January 31st to celebrate Scout Sunday (wear Class A uniform). We would like everyone to be in the chapel at 9:45 am to take troop and patrol pictures. The worship service begins at 10:45 in the chapel.  Please note this is an earlier time to meet than previously communicated on the Troop Calendar.


In Memory

In loving memory of Holly Hughes Kwoka (Former Troop 48 Scout Mom), a White Oak has been planted and beautifully marked on the east side of Faith Presbyterian Church. The tree is 12'-14' and is a very nice specimen. As it grows it will provide many years of nurturing shade and beauty for the church youth playground. It will also provide many teaching and learning moments for the scouts, scouters and families of Troop 48. Thanks to the Poore family for their donation and to Richard Ralph for planting the tree.


February Awards Court of Honor

Our Awards Court of Honor will be on February 2nd and all Scout families are encouraged to attend. We will provide information about Skymont summer camp (June 11-18), and the first deposit is due that night on 2/2: $75 deposit for Scouts and $30 deposit for adults.


February Campout – Biking

For the February 13-14 biking campout, Scouts will need bicycles with gears. If you need to borrow a bike for the campout, please let Mr. Bo Hormberg know.


Troop Photos

In addition to the Troop website, Mr. Barry Moore has posted many of his excellent Troop 48 photos at the following link:


Upcoming Events 

Jan 9 – Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Hayden Smith and Tristan Hube

Jan 12 – Backpack inspection for ranks below First Class

Jan 16-18 – Backpacking Campout

Jan 19 – Last day for Scoutmaster conferences for Feb CoH

Jan 23 – Eastern District Awards and Recognition Banquet

Jan 26 – Bring a Friend Night

Jan 26 – Health Forms A&B due

Jan 26 – Last day for Boards of Review for Feb CoH

Jan 31 – Scout Sunday – 9:45 am for pictures

Feb 1 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

Feb 2 – Awards Court of Honor

Feb 2 –  February $25 Campout fee due

Feb 2 – Skymont Deposit due - $75 per Scout; $30 for Adults

Feb 5 – 61st Annual Spaghetti Supper

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 1/7/16

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