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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 4/7/16
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Troop 48 Update - 4/7/16

Posted on Thu, Apr 7, 2016

Camporee Reminder

Scouts, please remember to bring a compass and small calculator to Camporee in order to excel at the orienteering station. Know your feet per pace. Some are as short as 4.3 feet per pace (2 steps), some are as long as 5.6 feet per pace.


BSA Swim Check – April 12th

There will be no regular Troop meetings on April 12th and April 26th. Instead we will be meeting at Germantown Athletic Club these nights from 7:30 – 9:00 for our swim check on the 12th and a fun swim night on the 26th. Those needing Second Class swim requirements can complete those on the 26th. More details and a staggered schedule for patrols will be sent out by Mr. Hormberg soon. If you are a member of GAC, please bring your membership ID. The cost for non-members will be paid with Troop funds.


May Canoe Trip – $45 fee due April 19th

The May campout is a canoe trip on the Buffalo River on May 6-8. All Scouts and adults attending must qualify as a “BSA Swimmer” at the swim check on April 12th to attend (Beginner Swimmers are not eligible). The cost of the trip will be $45 per person and will be due on April 19th (one week earlier than originally communicated because of the swim night on 4/26). The Troop Committee approved a $22 subsidy per person to be paid from Troop funds, so we hope all those interested will be able to attend.


Awards Court of Honor -  May 3rd

All Scouts and their families are invited to our Awards Court of Honor on May 3rd. To receive a rank advancement or merit badge on May 3rd, you must complete requirements by April 19th. Please schedule Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review in advance with Mr. Issing and Mrs. Vietzke.  The last installment of Skymont summer camp fees are due on May 3rd, the amounts are $50 per Scout and $25 per Adult. Also, a $25 deposit will be due for our Summer Adventure trip in July to the Gulf Coast.


If you have uniform parts, Troop t-shirts, hiking boots or camping equipment that you are no longer using, and are willing to pass along for free, please bring them to the Court of Honor on May 3rd. We have several new Scouts who can benefit from this.


BSA Health Form Part C due April 30

All Scouts and Dads going on a Troop event that lasts more than 72 hours must complete the Part C health form and have it signed by a physician (in addition to Parts A and B). Part C would be required for Skymont summer camp in June or our July Summer Adventure trip. However, we encourage all Scouts to turn in Part C. This form is due to Mr. Patrick Rice or Mr. Richard Ralph by April 30, so make your appointments now with your physician to have the form signed. The form can be found at this link:  Click on the Download next to “Are You Going to Camp?”  Since we have the swim night on 4/26, you may want to turn these in at the 4/19 Troop meeting.

Annual Health and Medical Record En Español. The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting ...




Northern Tier High Adventure Canoe Trip – 2 Spots Available

Troop 331 has two spots available for their trip to the Northern Tier High Adventure Program on June 17-24, canoeing in the Boundary Waters Area between the US and Canada. This trip is open to any scout 14 years or older or has completed the 8th grade, or any Scout parents, who meet the BSA health form criteria for High Adventure. The expedition cost is $521.25 per person, plus additional costs for a rental van and two hotel nights. Contact the trip leader, Tony Stafford at 901-489-6287 for more information.


Summer Adventure – Adults Needed

We would like to get an idea of how many Dads and Scout leaders are planning to attend the Summer Adventure on July 28th-31st to the Gulf Coast. If you are planning to attend, please let Bo Hormberg know.


Upcoming Events 

Apr 8-10 – April Campout – Camporee at Camp Currier

Apr 12 – BSA Swim Check, 7:30 – 9 pm, Germantown Athletic Club

Apr 19 – May Canoe trip - $45 due

Apr 23 – Eagle Court of Honor for Jake Heckman, 3 pm (rehearsal at 1:30)

Apr 26 – Swim Fun Night/Second Class Swim Requirements, 7:30 – 9 pm, Germantown Athletic Club

Apr 30 – BSA Health Form Part C Due (signed by a physician)

May 2 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

May 3 – Awards Court of Honor; Final Skymont payment due

May 3 – $25 Summer Adventure Deposit due

May 6-8 – Canoeing campout, Buffalo River

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 4/7/16

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