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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 11/3/19
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Scouting Fee Increase

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Troop 48 Update - 11/3/19

Posted on Sun, Nov 3, 2019

November Backpacking 101 Campout Fee due this Tuesday, November 5

The November campout is November 15-17, a Backpacking 101 trip at Mousetail Landing State Park in Parsons, TN. The $25 campout fee is due this Tuesday, please pay the Scribe before circle-up when the list of those attending is read out to the group.  Scoutbucks may be used if you have an available balance. Please sign up by the Tuesday deadline, or the Scout will need to follow the late sign-up procedure which can be found at this link on the Troop’s website:


BSA Annual Fees Increasing – Due November 12

The BSA registration fee for 2020 is due by November 12. The fee is increasing to $72 for Scouts and $36 for Adults. The Scout fee includes subscription to Boys’ Life magazine. Please pay these fees to our treasurer, Mr. Frederick Lee. Scout Bucks may be used. Attached is a letter from the Chickasaw Council explaining the reason for the increase.


Drink Containers Needed

We are in need of some empty and clean drink containers of approximately 48 ounces. Think cranberry juice cocktail container. If you can help, please bring them to a troop meeting this month.


Upcoming Events 

Nov 5 – November campout fee due

Nov 7 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

Nov 12 – BSA Registration fee for 2020 due

Nov 12 – Popcorn orders distribution

Nov 19 – Greenery orders distribution (estimated)


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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