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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 11/27/19
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Troop 48 Update - 11/27/19

Posted on Wed, Nov 27, 2019



December Campout Fee Due Tuesday

The December campout is the Siege of Camp Currier on December 13-14. The troop will return that Saturday evening. The campout fee of $25 is due this Tuesday, December 3. Please sign up and pay the Scribe at the beginning of the meeting Tuesday night.


December Court of Honor and Potluck – 6:00 PM Tuesday

Please make plans for all our Scouts and their families to attend our December Court of Honor and Christmas Party on this Tuesday, December 3 at 6:00 PM in Faith Hall. Please note the earlier time! We will have a potluck dinner, please sign up for what food you will bring at this link: Food Sign Up. The Scouts will have a gift exchange: each Scout who would like to participate should bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $20 (no pocket knives or gift cards please). Please also note the following:

· We still have greenery sprays for sale, and will have these available Tuesday night for purchase. See Mrs. Reynolds if you would like to buy or sell one. Also, please pick up your greenery order and turn in any money owed if you have not done so.

· If you have not paid the renewal fee for 2020, please pay this Tuesday night, or we will not be able to renew your membership. It is $72 per Scout.

· If you are a member of the Order of the Arrow and have not paid your $10 renewal fee, please pay this Tuesday night to Mr. Brent Snyder (unless you attended the Fall Ordeal).

· We will have a sign-up sheet Tuesday night for the December 17 Christmas food basket service project. We need Scouts and adult drivers to sign up, please see details below.


Service Project - December 17 – Adult Drivers Needed

Our next troop service project will be assembling and delivering food baskets to six families in need. We will meet at 5:30 pm to assemble the baskets, and pizza will be provided. We need several adult drivers to help drive Scouts to deliver the baskets. We will have a sign-up sheet for Scouts and adult drivers at the December 3rd Awards Court of Honor, or please let Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Ralph know if you can help with driving. There will not be a regular Troop meeting that night.


Upcoming Events 

Dec 3 – Awards Court of Honor and Troop Christmas Potluck – 6 PM

Dec 3 – $25 due for December campout

Dec 5 – Troop Committee meeting – 7 PM

Dec 7 – Order of the Arrow Lodge Family Banquet

Dec 10 – Troop meeting – 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Dec 13-14 – December Campout – Siege of Currier

Dec 17 – Christmas Baskets Service Project – 5:30 PM

Dec 17 – No regular Troop meeting

Dec 19 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Meeting – 7 PM

Dec 24, 31 – No Troop meetings

Jan 2 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

Jan 7 – Regular weekly Troop meetings resume


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.

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