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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 11/29/20
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Scouting for Food 2020 Flyer

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Troop 48 Update - 11/29/20

Posted on Mon, Dec 7, 2020

December Campout Fee & Sign-up due this Tuesday, December 1

The December campout fee of $25 per person is due this Tuesday at the troop meeting. The December campout is Fri-Sat December 11-12 at Camp Currier. Please pay with PayPal or Plastiq on the Troop 48 website, or pay with Scout Bucks if you have a balance available. Attached is an estimate of Scout Bucks balances after the registration fees, November campout fees, and Greenery fundraiser amounts earned have been applied (this may not include all transactions, but if your balance is lower than you expect, please let Kim Ridenhour know).


December 8 – Virtual Awards Court of Honor – 7:30 PM

Parents – please plan to attend with your Scout the WebEx on Tuesday, December 8 at 7:30 PM for our Awards Court of Honor in place of our regular Tuesday night troop meeting. The meeting will be no longer than 1 hour.


Scouting for Food - Saturday, December 12

It is estimated that one in six Americans struggle with hunger, and thousands of individuals in the Mid-South experience food insecurity every day. The Chickasaw Council, Boy Scouts of America, is proud to partner with the Mid-South Food Bank for the 2020 Scouting for Food initiative to help provide assistance to those in need. The Chickasaw Council is hosting its annual Scouting for Food drive on Saturday, December 12 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Chickasaw Council Scout Service Center (171 S. Hollywood St., Memphis, TN 38112). Scouts, unit leaders, and community members are encouraged to drop off donations for the Mid-South Food Bank any time before December 12 by 1:00 pm. If you live in a community not served by the Mid-South Food Bank, we encourage you to collect donations for your local food pantry. See the attached flyer or click on the links below to learn about donation locations, items needed, and to donate online! There is a donation location in Collierville at the Kroger on Houston Levee Rd.

Click on this link to donate money directly to the Food Bank:

Click on this link to buy a $10 patch, of which 85% of goes to the Mid-South Food Bank


Adult Needed to Plan Summer 2021 Washington DC Trip

Our Summer Adventure trip for 2021 will be to Washington DC on July 10-17. We need an adult volunteer to lead the planning for this trip, preferably one who can go on the trip. We’ve taken this trip a few times in the past years about every five years, so there are past itineraries to help with the planning. The troop usually stays in a church hostel a few blocks away from the National Mall. Activities and sites visited have included Smithsonian Institute Museums, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Veterans War Memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, White House, US Capitol, Supreme Court Building, Library of Congress, National Archives, Washington National Cathedral, Washington Monument, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Canine Training Program, US Navy Band concert, US Navy Memorial, Washington Nationals Baseball game, and meetings with our Congressmen. If you are interested in leading the planning for this trip, please contact Kim Ridenhour.


Adult Volunteers Needed

· We need an adult volunteer to manage our troop’s Facebook site, posting articles each week. Material for posting will be provided. If you are interested in this role, please contact Kim Ridenhour.  We also are looking for someone to replace Kim as Committee Chair and Bo as Outdoor Activities Coordinator. We also need an assistant Life to Eagle mentor. Let Kim or John Campbell know if you are interested in any of these roles.

· The next Troop Committee meeting will be on December 7 at 7 PM on WebEx. All parents are welcome to attend Troop Committee meetings. If you are not a Committee member, but would like to attend the Committee meeting, please let Kim Ridenhour know and she will send you the WebEx invitation.


All Troop 48 in-person activities are cancelled until the church informs us that we can return.


Upcoming Events  

 Dec 1 – Campout fee due for December campout

Dec 7 – Troop Committee meeting - 7 PM on WebEx

Dec 8 – Awards Court of Honor – 7:30 PM on WebEx

Dec 11-12 – Campout at Camp Currier -  Siege of Currier

Dec 15, 22 ,29 – No troop meetings on WebEx

Jan 5 – Troop meetings on WebEx resume


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.


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